Welcome to TetraNation 2024!

TetraNation Voting Period: April 15th to April 28, 2024

Contest is finished!
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Title: Custom 3D Printed Hand Brace | Central | Peel
Author: jcripps
Votes: 4

Views: 133
Description: This project is from our Peel chapter in the Central Region. Our client’s disability causes her fingers to become crooked, and she is unable to straighten them. Commercially available hand braces are hard for her to wear as they are bulky and cumbersome. The Tetra volunteer works at Humber College and used the equipment on campus to scan the client’s hand and 3D print several custom braces that hold the client’s fingers up. If you think this project and video should win TetraNation 2024 for the Central Region, vote now!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s TetraNation!

2024 Contest Details

All videos will be available at once this year.
TetraNation submissions will still be split up by region, but to ensure even engagement and opportunities for votes, all videos will be voted on at the same time. We accepted projects from October 2022 to December 31st, 2023 (as some projects that were finished near the end of 2022 did not meet that year’s TetraNation contest deadline.)

Projects for consideration were submitted to the communications team from each region by the Regional Coordinators. The communications team is putting together and publishing the videos on behalf of the regions. The video with the most votes from each region will win TetraNation 2024.  

This year we will also be uploading a winners’ announcement video instead of doing a live stream on ConnecTogether.

TetraNation 2023

Click the button below, or visit our YouTube page to watch last year’s video submissions.